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      Jack BNC Xịn
      Tình trạng: mới 100%
      Chất liệu tốt
      Độ bền cao
      Giá cả hợp lý cho anh thợ.
      Anh em mua số lượng nhiều liê. Hệ trực tiếp để được giá hỗ trợ tốt nhất.eview
      What's New In DevTools (Chrome 87)
      Jecelyn Yeen
      By Jecelyn Yeen
      Developer advocate working on Chrome DevTools at Google
      New CSS Grid debugging tools
      DevTools now has better support for CSS grid debugging!
      CSS grid debugging
      When an HTML element on your page has display: grid or display: inline-grid applied to it, you can see a grid badge next to it in the Elements panel. Click the badge to toggle the display of a grid overlay on the page.
      The new Layout pane has a Grid section offering you a number of options for viewing the grids.
      Check out the documentation to learn more.
      Chromium issue: 1047356
      New WebAuthn tab
      You can now emulate authenticators and debug the Web Authentication API with the new WebAuthn tab.
      Select More options > More tools > WebAuthn to open the WebAuthn tab.
      WebAuthn tab
      Prior to the new WebAuthn tab, there was no native WebAuthn debugging support on Chrome. Developers needed physical authenticators to test their web application with Web Authentication API.
      With the new WebAuthn tab, web developers can now emulate these authenticators, customize their capabilities, and inspect their states, without the need of any physical authenticators. This makes the debugging experience much easier.
      Check out our documentation to learn more about the WebAuthn feature.
      Chromium issue: 1034663
      Move tools between top and bottom panel
      DevTools now support moving tools in DevTools between the top and bottom panel. This way, you can view any two tools at once.
      For example, if you would like to view Elements and Sources panel at once, you can right click on the Sources panel, and select Move to bottom to move it to the bottom.
      Move to bottom
      Similarly, you can move any bottom tab to the top by right clicking on a tab and select Move to top.
      Move to top
      Chromium issue: 1075732
      Elements panel updates
      View the Computed sidebar pane in the Styles pane
      You can now toggle the Computed sidebar pane in the Styles pane.
      The Computed sidebar pane in the Styles pane is collapsed by default. Click on the button to toggle it.
      Computed sidebar pane
      Chromium issue: 1073899
      Grouping CSS properties in the Computed pane
      You can now group the CSS properties by categories in the Computed pane.
      With this new grouping feature, it will be easier to navigate in the Computed pane (less scrolling) and selectively focus on a set of related properties for CSS inspection.
      On the Elements panel, select an element. Toggle the Group checkbox to group/ungroup the CSS properties.
      Grouping CSS properties
      Chromium issues: 1096230, 1084673, 1106251
      Lighthouse 6.4 in the Lighthouse panel
      The Lighthouse panel is now running Lighthouse 6.4. Check out the release notes for a full list of changes.
      New audits in Lighthouse 6.4:
      Preload fonts. Validates if all fonts that usefont-display: optional were preloaded.
      Valid sourcemaps. Audits if a page has valid sourcemaps for large, first-party JavaScript.
      [Experimental] Large JavaScript library. Large JavaScript libraries can lead to poor performance. This audit suggests cheaper alternatives to common, large JavaScript libraries like moment.js.
      Chromium issue: 772558
      performance.mark() events in the Timings section
      The Timings section of a Performance recording now marks performance.mark() events.
      Performance.mark events
      New resource-type and url filters in the Network panel
      Use the new resource-type and url keywords in the Network panel to filter network requests.
      For example, use resource-type:image to focus on the network requests that are images.
      resource-type filter
      Check out filter requests by properties to discover more special keywords like resource-type and url.
      Chromium issues: 1121141, 1104188
      Frame details view updates
      Display COEP and COOP reporting to endpoint
      You can now view the Cross-Origin Embedder Policy (COEP) and Cross-Origin Opener Policy (COOP)reporting to endpoint under the Security & Isolation section.
      The Reporting API defines a new HTTP header, Report-To, that gives web developers a way to specify server endpoints for the browser to send warnings and errors to.
      reporting to endpoint
      Read this article to learn more about how to enable COEP and COOP and make your website "cross-origin isolated".
      Chromium issue: 1051466
      Display COEP and COOP report-only mode
      DevTools now displays report-only label for COEP and COOP that are set to report-only mode.
      report-only label
      Watch this video to learn about how to prevent information leaks and enable COOP and COEP in your website.
      Chromium issue: 1051466
      Deprecation of Settings in the More tools menu
      The Settings in the More tools menu has been deprecated. Open the Settings from the main panel instead.
      Settings in the main panel
      Chromium issue: 1121312
      Experimental features
      Caution: Experimental features are still under development and subject to change.
      View and fix color contrast issues in the CSS Overview panel
      To enable this experiment, check the CSS Overview checkbox under Settings > Experiments.
      CSS Overview panel now displays a list of low color contrast texts of your page.
      In this example, the demo page has a low color contrast issue. Click on the issue, you can view a list of elements that have the issue.
      Low color contrast issues
      Click on an element in the list to open the element in Elements panel. DevTools provides auto color suggestion to help you fix the low contrast text.
      Chromium issue: 1120316
      Customize keyboard shortcuts in DevTools
      To enable this experiment, check the Enable keyboard shortcut editor checkbox under Settings > Experiments.
      You can now customize the keyboard shortcuts for your favourite commands in DevTools.
      Go to Settings > Shortcuts, hovering on a command and click the Edit button (pen icon) to customize the keyboard shortcut.
      Customize keyboard shortcuts
      To reset all shortcuts, click on Restore default shortcuts.
      Chromium issue: 174309
      Was this page helpful?
      To discuss the new features and changes in this post, or anything else related to DevTools:
      File definite bug reports and feature requests at Chromium Bugs.
      Discuss possible features, changes, and bugs on the Mailing List.
      Get help on how to use DevTools on Stack Overflow.
      Tweet us at @ChromeDevTools.
      File bugs on this document in the Web Fundamentals repository.
      Consider Canary
      If you're on Mac or Windows, consider using Chrome Canary as your default development browser. Canary gives you access to the latest DevTools features.
      Note: Canary is released as soon as its built, without testing. This means that Canary breaks about once-a-month. It's usually fixed within a day. You can go back to using Chrome Stable while Canary is broken.
      Discover DevTools features
      Below is a list of everything that's been covered in the What's New In DevTools series.
      Chrome 88
      Faster DevTools startup
      New CSS angle visualization tools
      Emulate unsupported image types
      Simulate storage quota size in the Storage pane
      New Web Vitals lane in the Performance panel
      Report CORS errors in the Network panel
      Cross-origin isolation information in the Frame details view
      New Web Workers information in the Frame details view
      Display opener frame details for opened windows
      Open Network panel from the Service Workers pane
      Copy property value
      Copy stacktrace for network initiator
      Preview Wasm variable value on mouseover
      Evaluate Wasm variable in the Console
      Consistent units of measurement for file/memory sizes
      Highlight pseudo elements in the Elements panel
      [Experimental] CSS Flexbox debugging tools
      [Experimental] Customize chords keyboard shortcuts
      Chrome 87
      New CSS Grid debugging tools
      New WebAuthn tab
      Move tools between top and bottom panel
      New Computed sidebar pane in the Styles pane
      Grouping CSS properties in the Computed pane
      Lighthouse 6.3 in the Lighthouse panel
      performance.mark() events in the Timings section
      New resource-type and url filters in the Network panel
      Frame details view updates
      Deprecation of Settings in the More tools menu
      [Experimental] View and fix color contrast issues in the CSS Overview panel
      [Experimental] Customize keyboard shortcuts in DevTools
      Chrome 86
      New Media panel
      Capture node screenshots via Elements panel context menu
      Issues tab updates
      Emulate missing local fonts
      Emulate inactive users
      Emulate prefers-reduced-data
      Support for new JavaScript features
      Lighthouse 6.2 in the Lighthouse panel
      Deprecation of “other origins” listing in the Service Workers pane
      Show coverage summary for filtered items
      New frame details view in Application panel
      Accessible color suggestion in the Styles pane
      Reinstate Properties pane in the Elements panel
      Human-readable X-Client-Data header values in the Network panel
      Auto-complete custom fonts in the Styles pane
      Consistently display resource type in Network panel
      Clear buttons in the Elements and Network panels
      Chrome 85
      Style editing for CSS-in-JS frameworks
      Lighthouse 6 in the Lighthouse panel
      First Meaningful Paint (FMP) deprecation
      Support for new JavaScript features
      New app shortcut warnings in the Manifest pane
      Service worker respondWith events in the Timing tab
      Consistent display of the Computed pane
      Bytecode offsets for WebAssembly files
      Line-wise copy and cut in Sources Panel
      Console settings updates
      Performance panel updates
      New icons for breakpoints, conditional breakpoints, and logpoints
      Chrome 84
      Fix site issues with the new Issues tab
      View accessibility information in the Inspect Mode tooltip
      Performance panel updates
      More accurate promise terminology in the Console
      Styles pane updates
      Deprecation of the Properties pane in the Elements panel
      App shortcuts support in the Manifest pane
      Chrome 83
      Emulate vision deficiencies
      Emulate locales
      Cross-Origin Embedder Policy (COEP) debugging
      New icons for breakpoints, conditional breakpoints, and logpoints
      View network requests that set a specific cookie
      Dock to left from the Command Menu
      The Settings option in the Main Menu has moved
      The Audits panel is now the Lighthouse panel
      Delete all Local Overrides in a folder
      Updated Long Tasks UI
      Maskable icon support in the Manifest pane
      Chrome 82
      Chrome 82 was cancelled.
      Chrome 81
      Moto G4 support in Device Mode
      Cookie-related updates
      More accurate web app manifest icons
      Hover over CSS content properties to see unescaped values
      Source map errors in the Console
      Setting for disabling scrolling past the end of a file
      Chrome 80
      Support for let and class redeclarations in the Console
      Improved WebAssembly debugging
      Request Initiator Chains in the Initiator tab
      Highlight the selected network request in the Overview
      URL and path columns in the Network panel
      Updated User-Agent strings
      New Audits panel configuration UI
      Per-function or per-block code coverage modes
      Code coverage must now be initiated by a page reload
      Chrome 79
      Debug why a cookie was blocked
      View cookie values
      Simulate different prefers-color-scheme and prefers-reduced-motion preferences
      Code coverage updates
      Debug why a network resource was requested
      Console and Sources panels respect indentation preferences again
      New shortcuts for cursor navigation
      Chrome 78
      Multi-client support in the Audits panel
      Payment Handler debugging
      Lighthouse 5.2 in the Audits panel
      Largest Contentful Paint in the Performance panel
      File DevTools issues from the Main Menu
      Chrome 77
      Copy element styles
      Visualize layout shifts
      Lighthouse 5.1 in the Audits panel
      OS theme syncing
      Keyboard shortcut for opening the Breakpoint Editor
      Prefetch cache in the Network panel
      Private properties when viewing objects
      Notifications and push messages in the Application panel
      Chrome 76
      Autocomplete with CSS values
      A new UI for network settings
      WebSocket messages in HAR exports
      HAR import and export buttons
      Real-time memory usage
      Service worker registration port numbers
      Inspect Background Fetch and Background Sync events
      Puppeteer for Firefox
      Chrome 75
      Meaningful presets when autocompleting CSS functions
      Clear site data from the Command Menu
      View all IndexedDB databases
      View a resource's uncompressed size on hover
      Inline breakpoints in the Breakpoints pane
      IndexedDB and Cache resource counts
      Setting for disabling the detailed Inspect tooltip
      Setting for toggling tab indentation in the Editor
      Chrome 74
      Highlight all nodes affected by CSS property
      Lighthouse v4 in the Audits panel
      WebSocket binary message viewer
      Capture area screenshot in the Command Menu
      Service worker filters in the Network panel
      Performance panel updates
      Long tasks in Performance panel recordings
      First Paint in the Timing section
      Bonus tip: Shortcut for viewing RGB and HSL color codes (video)
      Chrome 73
      Detailed tooltips in Inspect Mode
      Export code coverage data
      Navigate the Console with a keyboard
      AAA contrast ratio line in the Color Picker
      Save custom geolocation overrides
      Code folding
      Frames tab renamed to Messages tab
      Bonus tip: Network panel filtering by property (video)
      Chrome 72
      Visualize performance metrics in the Performance panel
      Highlight text nodes in the DOM Tree
      Copy the JS path to a DOM node
      Audits panel updates, including a new audit that detects JS libraries and new keywords for accessing the Audits panel from the Command Menu
      Bonus tip: Use Device Mode to inspect media queries (video)
      Chrome 71
      Hover over a Live Expression result to highlight a DOM node
      Store DOM nodes as global variables
      Initiator and priority information now in HAR imports and exports
      Access the Command Menu from the Main Menu
      Picture-in-Picture breakpoints
      Bonus tip: Use monitorEvents() to log a node's fired events in the Console (video)
      Chrome 70
      Live Expressions in the Console
      Highlight DOM nodes during Eager Evaluation
      Performance panel optimizations
      More reliable debugging
      Enable network throttling from the Command Menu
      Autocomplete Conditional Breakpoints
      Break on AudioContext events
      Debug Node.js apps with ndb
      Bonus tip: Measure real world user interactions with the User Timing API
      Chrome 68
      Eager Evaluation
      Argument hints
      Function autocompletion
      ES2017 keywords
      Lighthouse 3.0 in the Audits panel
      BigInt support
      Adding property paths to the Watch pane
      "Show timestamps" moved to Settings
      Bonus tip: Lesser-known Console methods (video)
      Chrome 67
      Search across all network headers
      CSS variable value previews
      Copy as fetch
      New audits, desktop configuration options, and viewing traces
      Stop infinite loops
      User Timing in the Performance tabs
      JavaScript VM instances clearly listed in the Memory panel
      Network tab renamed to Page tab
      Dark theme updates
      Certificate transparency information in the Security panel
      Site isolation features in the Performance panel
      Bonus tip: Layers panel + Animations Inspector (video)
      Chrome 66
      Blackboxing in the Network panel
      Auto-adjust zooming in Device Mode
      Pretty-printing in the Preview and Response tabs
      Previewing HTML content in the Preview tab
      Local Overrides support for styles inside of HTML
      Bonus tip: Blackbox framework scripts to make Event Listener Breakpoints more useful
      Chrome 65
      Local Overrides
      New accessibility tools
      The Changes tab
      New SEO and performance audits
      Multiple recordings in the Performance panel
      Reliable code stepping with workers in async code
      Bonus tip: Automate DevTools actions with Puppeteer (video)
      Chrome 64
      Performance Monitor
      Console Sidebar
      Group similar Console messages
      Bonus tip: Toggle hover pseudo-class (video)
      Chrome 63
      Multi-client remote debugging support
      Workspaces 2.0
      4 new audits
      Simulate push notifications with custom data
      Trigger background sync events with custom tags
      Bonus tip: Event listener breakpoints (video)
      Chrome 62
      Top-level await in the Console
      New screenshot workflows
      CSS Grid highlighting
      A new Console API for querying objects
      New Console filters
      HAR imports in the Network panel
      Previewable cache resources
      More predictable cache debugging
      Block-level code coverage
      Chrome 61
      Mobile device throttling simulation
      View storage usage
      View when a service worker cached responses
      Enable the FPS meter from the Command Menu
      Set mousewheel behavior to zoom or scroll
      Debugging support for ES6 modules
      Chrome 60
      New Audits panel
      3rd-Party Badges
      A new gesture for Continue To Here
      Step into async
      More informative object previews in the Console
      More informative context selection in the Console
      Real-time updates in the Coverage tab
      Simpler network throttling options
      Async stacks on by default
      Chrome 59
      CSS and JS code coverage
      Full-page screenshots
      Block requests
      Step over async await
      Unified Command Menu
      rss_feed Subscribe to
       our RSS or Atom feed and get the latest updates in your favorite feed reader!
      Rate and review
      Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
      Last updated 2020-11-20 UTC.
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